by | Oct 28, 2022 | 0 comments

In recent days, the feeling of being overwhelmed has been washing over me like a tsunami.  So many parts of my project to start or complete, speaking to people and booking appointments by squishing half an hour here and there. Not my usual style.  I like to chat and be relaxed when we are talking.  Not watching the clock and feeling agitated. I like to listen and have time to hear what is being said to me.

The busy-ness had to change, to change how I ran my business.

I sat down, cleared my head and wrote my list.  It was exhaustive.  So I rewrote it with this most urgent mini projects at the top, I ordered the others and decided which were to come first.  The whole process took around 45 minutes.  I felt as though I had achieved a great deal!

In actual fact, I had not made the best use of those 45 minutes.  In that time, I could have written a blog or put a couple of posts together for social media.  Looking at my list, I could have achieved any one or at least part of any of those things on my list.  Instead, I chose to write and rewrite all the things I need to do….. in a list!

Now, I am definitely a list person, in fact I write lists within lists!  They can be very helpful.  Especially as a procrastination tool – if we let it. 

However, the realisation of what I had just been doing somehow made my head clearer with the tasks I needed to complete. 

I simply needed to pick one and do it.   

Was it that simple? Yes!!  You have just read it 😊

So, when you  also have a list of to-do’s, pick one task that is on your “list” and just do it x

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