Well, hello to you all again. Where are we now is a more poignant question than perhaps ever before. Whatever the blog was due to contain today, there will always be the huge ‘elephant in the room’. So, I will briefly mention it here now.
The world that surrounds us all at the moment is unsettlingly fragile, perhaps making millions of people realise the importance of life and each other. As it stands today, none of us know what is happening or what our future holds. It is sobering indeed. Yet, as I sit writing this to you, I can hear the rain fall on my roof, the birds outside are in full song and it brings a smile to my face and an inner calm to my soul.
As within the pandemic when we took a step back and stopped for just a moment to realise the enormity of the situation and how something so miniscule could disrupt the human population on this glorious planet. Now, together, we face a larger unknown issue. Each has, or should have, made us realise our vulnerability but also the solidarity of people worldwide and the overall desire for happiness and to enjoy life. To be a part of this is a powerful belonging. In turn this awakens many to their own value, something that has often been dormant.
It also shows us our strength. In some cases, that strength is hidden and needs to come out from under the bushel we hide it under. Whatever happens, we have no choice but to face it head on. This is no different than every day in our lives, with mundane tasks we face as well as upheaval in our daily lives. It is the not knowing and the lack of control in situations that we sometimes find hard to grasp and other emotions are allowed to seep in and darken our thoughts. It is easy to say “we must not let those thoughts prevail”, there is never any flippancy in these blogs, but to just carry on as normal without these nagging doubts in life is never easy. This is where we focus on our own value with something we enjoy in life, whether that is family, a hobby, friendships – we should enhance that precious commodity and spend more time embracing the enjoyment. It is important to comfort each other as you will be valued by people around you and they will welcome your presence. Remember though, that this is not just now, in more difficult times with the present situation and the pandemic, this is each day. We all have the ability to make someone smile, to brighten their day and bring happiness and comfort. It encourages your acceptance to your value. It encourages your own inner calm. Today, pick up the phone or meet and talk to someone you know, not just a text, a message or a post! Laugh, talk and communicate as a person – not a screen. Feel the difference that makes and hang on to it. It is a precious gift.